The Only Genuine Psychic For You

Lynette Zabielo | Brisbane Psychic

Lynette Zabielo

Professional Psychic Consultant

Brisbane Psychic: Consultations, Counselling, Astrology

Lynette Zabielo

Lynette Zabielo

Professional Psychic Consultant

Brisbane Psychic: Consultations, Counselling, Astrology

Professional Psychic/Clairvoyant - Lynette Zabielo

As one of Australia’s most professional Psychics/ Clairvoyant, Brisbane Psychic, Lynette Zabielo received acclaim by being the only Brisbane Psychic to be proven “genuine” in a court of law in Australia. Brisbane Psychic, Lynette Zabielo petitioned parliament to repeal the laws governing genuine psychics and mediums./

Finally After 18 Years Of Submissions The Queensland Laws Were Repealed.

My close proximity to that other world has always been an integral part of my life for I was born gifted with many psychic clairvoyant abilities and special gifts of visualization, my psychic faculties spring into action immediately after I receive imprints from the thoughts and emotions of my clients. My clairvoyant antenna absorbs the atmosphere like a sponge to soak up feelings and impressions at an extremely fast pace.

Brisbane Professional Psychic Lynette Zabielo

My gifts involve:

  • Clairvoyance  which means  to see beyond the normal range of light.
  • Clairaudience  means to see beyond the normal range of hearing
  • X-Ray vision this type of psychic clairvoyance allows me to see into the internal body like an X-ray machine…comparable to looking at the negative of a photo. I see organs, arteries & even the blood rushing around. My psychic senses are transported to a place inside someone’s body
  • Hyper-sensitivity.  I feel the pain so if a client has pain in a certain area…then I too, will clairvoyantly feel that pain. I also am able to, as a psychic pick up certain characteristics concerning people & photos.
  • Psychic medium. Spirit loved ones proceed to give information of his or her past…this is then proof their loved one has been contacted. Sometimes spirit shows a great sense of humor as in the case of a woman whose husband came through where I was able to clairvoyantly describe him to a tee. She knew instantly who I was talking about as soon as I mentioned the word “Enos!”  She giggled and told me that was his nickname. I asked if he was Italian. She said No! But he thought he knew everything… and he gave everybody the sh…(now we all know what Enos liver salts does to you.) 
  • Predictions for the future. The local vet’s wife came to see me. He had said the usual, “Why do you want to go to someone like a psychic  for? They’re all a mob of nuts!” He listened to her tape & when things started to happen he was worried because I had told her that her husband had to be very careful around something white & fluffy…that he would be bitten. So every time a white kitten or fluffy dog came to the surgery…he took extra care. One day he went out on a property & got bitten by a white angora goat!
  • Describe events from the past. Kathleen came in & gave me her watch to hold, The first psychic thing I picked up was camels & a lot of dust. We laughed about this as she couldn’t relate just then. A few days later she rang to tell me that it had dawned on her what I had meant. Her husband had bought her that watch in Bahrain in 1952 which was then Persia.

With a lifetime of psychic and clairvoyant experience and research into astrological and emotional behavior patterns, I am recognized as a wise and perspective psychic guide. When looking for direction clients come from all walks of life seeking my clairvoyance, psychic abilities, advice, and counseling.

From my inspirational psychic insights, I address and encourage you to shape your own destiny by providing an awareness of opportunities that can help you to make better decisions and positive changes.

With unique guidance and direction, a personal psychic clairvoyant consultation reading will leave you with much to think about!

Some of my outstanding achievements:

  • Resident psychic on regular television and radio programs for over 15 years
  • For 18 years I wrote a weekly syndicated star guide column for Quest Newspapers as well as various other magazines
  • Engrossed audiences at private and public functions with intriguing talks and psychic abilities
  • Stories have been written about my psychic abilities in various Australasian Newspapers and magazines, including The Sunday Mail, New Ide, and The Sydney Morning Herald
  • By invitation from Queensland University I spoke to the prisoners at a Maximum Security Prison about Spiritual Values, Karma, reincarnation and decision-making skills
  • I am the first psychic to have a psychic link up via satellite (courtesy of OTC and ship-to-shore radio) with a Cray Fishing Trawler in the Torres Strait to address the Captain and crew concerning the future of the ship and their personal lives
  • I collaborated with Channel 7 providing my psychic insights for a documentary on The Gatton Murders, the murder of three family members which took place on Boxing Day 1898. 100 year on, I visited the grave and murder site in Gatton where I picked up psychic, clairvoyant, clairaudient valuable information which astonished the producer of the program
  • So much more I have achieved over my long spiritual and varied psychic career.

” The only Genuine Psychic for you!” 



WE ARE ALL A PRODUCT OF OUR LIFE EXPERIENCES…those events affect how we perceive the world, ourselves, and others.  We must learn to deal with any conflict instead of putting our heads under the blankets.
Once we can feel comfortable in our own skins, we stop comparing ourselves to others and cease wanting what they may have. Peace comes when we can walk our own path and stop looking over at someone else’s arena. There is no perfect time or age for us to get ourselves together, growth usually comes to us after some difficulty we have to overcome. 
We stretch and grow and when we are ready to acknowledge our uniqueness and take that risk to be open to newness, new pastures, and new situations await us …if we want them.
Don’t forget to read October’s Astrology!
I hope you enjoy It!!
For a Personal Reading
Ph: 0418 871 135

The only Genuine Psychic for You!”